Nucleus .Net Core CMS


Metrics are application measurements reported over time. Metrics are one element of Application Observability, and are used by monitoring applications to display application activity and health information and to generate alerts based on configured thresholds.

Nucleus (version 1.4 and later) implements both custom and built-in .Net metrics and can provide metrics data to monitoring applications which support OpenTelemetry or OpenMetrics.

There are many software products which can receive and process application telemetry data, and to present that data and generate alerts. One option is to use Prometheus to receive, process and store your data, and Grafana to display your data and manage alerts.

See also: Prometheus and Grafana, Elastic Stack - OpenTelemetry Integration

Nucleus publishes metrics in two ways:

  • By providing a HTTP endpoint which publishes metrics which can be consumed ('scraped') by metering applications which can consume metrics in the OpenMetrics format. This method is generally used when you are using Prometheus. By default, the metrics endpoint is /_metrics. The Nucleus metrics endpoint (url) can be customized in Nucleus configuration files.
  • By periodically sending metrics to a specified OpenTelemetry OTLP collector.

Metrics is one kind of instrumentation. The OpenTelemetry specification also includes Logging and Tracing. OpenTelemetry Logging and Tracing are not currently implemented by Nucleus.


Instrumentation must be enabled in order to function. To enable instrumentation with default values, edit your appSettings.Production.json file, and add a section to the existing Nucleus section.

"Nucleus" {
  "InstrumentationOptions": {
      "Meters": {
        "Enabled": true

See also: Configuration Files

Other (optional) settings for Nucleus:InstrumentationOptions:Meters are:

ServiceName (string) The service name that is reported with your metrics data. The default is Nucleus. In Prometheus, this translates to a label named Job.
ScrapeEndpointPath (string) The local path of the endpoint where metrics are published. In Prometheus, this is the path that you use when you set up "scrape" settings. The default is /_metrics.
OtlpEndPoint (string) Specifies the OLTP/GRpc endpoint to send OpenTelemetry meters to. There is no default value. If this value is not set, OTLP export is not enabled.
CacheDuration (timespan) Specifies the duration that the "scrape" telemetry content is cached before being re-generated. The default is 60 seconds.
"Nucleus" {
  "InstrumentationOptions": {
      "Meters": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "ServiceName": "",
        "OtlpEndPoint": "https://my-opentelemetry-collector/v1/metrics:4317",
        "CacheDuration": "00:00:15"

.Net Core built-in metrics

Nucleus enables built-in .Net metrics, and metrics which are provided by the OpenTelemetry .Net Project:

Some of the metrics are provided by pre-release packages and may be subject to change.

Nucleus Metrics


This counter measures the number of page visits.

site_name The name of the site which was visited.
site_id The id of the site which was visited.
page_name The name of the page which was visited.
page_id The id of the page which was visited.
matched_route The page route which was matched.


This counter measures the number of Nucleus page errors. These can be "Not Found" errors, or requests which were matched to page routes but which returned an error response.

site_name The name of the site which was visited, if one could be matched.
site_id The id of the site which was visited, if one could be matched.
http_status_code The HTTP status code which was returned.
http_request_path The local path of the failed request.


This gauge measures the CPU used by the Nucleus process as a percentage of the CPU units available in the system. This gauge is not part of the built-in metrics provided by OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Process, so we publish this metric from Nucleus.


This counter measure the number of online users for each site. An "online" user is logged in, and has site activity in the past 5 minutes.

site_name The name of the site which was visited, if one could be matched.
site_id The id of the site which was visited, if one could be matched.


This gauge reports Nucleus application information.

start_date Nucleus start date/time (UTC).
environment_name The configured environment name.

Nucleus enriches the built-in http_server_request_duration metrics by adding a route_type attribute. The route_type attribute idenfifies which type of resouce was served by Nucleus.

admin_ui A response from the Nucleus administrative user interface.
api An API endpoint from the /api route.
error_page The Nucleus error page, which is used to display user-friendly errors.
extension Any response from an extension (that is, the /extensions route).
file A file which is stored in a file system provider (the /files route).
page A site page.
resource Static resources like css, js and image files from the /resources folder.
robots A robots.txt file, which is automatically generated by Nucleus for use by search engines.
sitemap A sitemap.xml file, which is automatically generated by Nucleus for use by search engines.