Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Configuration Reference

Nucleus configuration settings may be split across multiple .json files and can be stored in environment variables or submitted as command-line arguments. Refer to the Configuration page for information on how Nucleus loads configuration settings.

The default configuration settings, along with the settings which are set up automatically by the Setup Wizard are suitable for most users, so you don't need modify configuration files unless you require special settings.

The default appSettings.json file contains a full set of available configuration settings (some are commented out), which you should use as a reference for the file format.

When Nucleus configuration settings are read from .json files, they are part of a hierachy that begins with a "Nucleus" element. In this document, configuration sections and items are specified using the : character to represent the hierachy of configuration elements. The configuration section in the example below would be represented as Nucleus:ResourceFileOptions and the UseMinifiedJs property would be represented as Nucleus:ResourceFileOptions:UseMinifiedJs. This is also how the .Net core configuration system

"Nucleus": { 
    "ResourceFileOptions": {
      "UseMinifiedJs": true    // We would refer to this as Nucleus:ResourceFileOptions:UseMinifiedJs

Configuration Settings

This page contains information on Nucleus-specific settings only, which reside within the "Nucleus" section of your configuration files. ASP.NET Core and third party components have their own configuration settings, and they may also be present in your configuration files, but are not documented here.


General top-level settings.

EnableResponseCompression (Boolean) Default is true.
EnableForwardedHeaders (Boolean) Default is true.
MaxRequestSize (long) Specifies the maximum MultipartBodyLengthLimit and MaxRequestBodySize in bytes. This value must be set high enough for the largest file upload that you want to allow. If not specified, the .net core defaults are used.
  "EnableResponseCompression": true,
  "EnableForwardedHeaders": true,
  "MaxRequestSize": 67108864


DataFolder (String) Specifies the name of the root folder that Nucleus uses to store files on the file system.
    "DataFolder": "%ProgramData%/Nucleus"

The DataFolder setting can contain environment variables like %ProgramData%, which are resolved at run time.

Whenever you set a configuration file setting to a file system path, it is a good idea to use / instead of \, because:

  1. / is a reserved character in json.
  2. Windows and Linux both understand / as a path delimiter, but Linux does not understand \.

File-based database providers (Sqlite) store database files in a /Data subfolder of the folder specified by Nucleus:FolderOptions:DataFolder.


Path (String) Specifies the name of the folder that the Nucleus text file logger uses to store log files on the file system. By default, this value is the Logs subfolder of the folder specified by Nucleus:FolderOptions:DataFolder.
LogFileExpiry (TimeSpan) Specifies how long log files are retained before being automatically deleted. This value is a TimeSpan, which is represented in days, hours, minutes and seconds in the form "days:hours:minutes:seconds". For example, 7 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes and 15 seconds would be represented as "07:11:20:15". The default value is 7 days ("07:00:00:00").
  "Path": "{DataFolder}/Logs"


Specifies use of minified javascript and css stylesheets. Developers may want to set these values to false in order to more easily debug client-side javascript and css.

UseMinifiedJs (Boolean) Specifies whether to use minified versions of .js files, when they are available. Default value is true.
UseMinifiedCss (Boolean) Specifies whether to use minified versions of .css files, when they are available. Default value is true.
    "UseMinifiedJs": true,
    "UseMinifiedCss": true


Specifies stylesheets and script files used by the Html editor. More than one Html editor can be included, but only one can be selected. This section is automatically present in the default appSettings.config file, and users generally do not need to edit this section.

Default (String) Specifies the Key of the Html Editor that is in use. This value does not have a default.
HtmlEditors (array) Array of one or more HtmlEditor sections.


Each HtmlEditor has properties:

Key (String) Unique identifier for the Html Editor configuration section.
Scripts (array) Array of one or more script sections.


Each scripts section has properties:

Type (String) javascript or stylesheet.
Path (String) Application-relative path to the script or javascript file. Start with a ~ to represent the application root.


The FileSystems section controls static file validation and file system providers settings. File system providers are initially configured by the Setup Wizard.


AllowedFileTypes are used to specify one or more file extensions and a list of signatures for each file type. Files with extensions do not match an entry in this list cannot be uploaded and will generate an error. The integrity of uploaded files is validated by comparing the first few bytes of the file with the specified signatures. The file bytes must match at least one of the signatures. Signatures are specified as hexadecimal values, with no spaces or delimiters. The special value "??" in a signature skips validation of the byte in the ordinal position represented by the ?? characters.

The Nucleus:FileSystems:AllowedFileTypes element is an array of allowed file type elements. This section is automatically present in the default appSettings.config file, and users generally do not need to edit this section, unless there is a need to support upload of additional file types.

FileExtensions (array of string) Array of file extensions represented by this entry, including the leading . character. Not case-sensitive.
Signatures (array of string) Array of file signatures which match the file extensions specified for this entry.
Restricted (Boolean). Specifies whether uploads of the file type are restricted to site administrators.
        "FileExtensions": [ ".jpg", ".jpeg" ],
        "Signatures": [ "FFD8FFE0", "FFD8FFE1", "FFD8FFE2", "FFD8FFE3" ]


Specifies one or more file system providers. The configuration section for each file provider has a key, name and provider type (class name). You can specify multiple file providers, and the user can choose from a list in the user interface. The "Name" property is shown to the user. Each entry has a key which uniquely identifies the provider entry.

The Nucleus:FileSystems:Providers element is an array of file system provider type elements.

Key (String) Unique identifier for the file system provider configuration entry.
Name (String) Friendly name for the file system provider, which is shown to users when selecting a file system.
ProviderType (String). Assembly-qualified class name for the file system provider.
        "Key": "local",
        "Name": "Local File System",
        "ProviderType": "Nucleus.Core.FileSystemProviders.LocalFileSystemProvider,Nucleus.Core"


Specifies authentication and password settings.

FailedPasswordWindowTimeout (Timespan) Specifies the time span for which the system remembers that a user has had a failed password attempt. Repeated failures within the specified file will increment the failed password attempts count, and when the FailedPasswordMaxAttempts threshold is exceeded, the user account will be locked for a period of time. Default value is 0:15:00 (15 minutes).
FailedPasswordMaxAttempts (Integer) Specifies the number of failed password attempts before account lockout. Default value is 3.
FailedPasswordLockoutReset (Timespan). Specifies the time span after which an account lockout is automatically reset. Default value is 0:10:00 (10 minutes).
PasswordResetTokenExpiry (Timespan). Specifies the time span after which a password reset token expires. Password reset tokens are sent to the user when they request a password reset. Default value is 02:00:00 (2 hours).
PasswordComplexityRules (array). Array of password complexity rules.
    "FailedPasswordWindowTimeout": "0:15:00",
    "FailedPasswordMaxAttempts": 3,
    "FailedPasswordLockoutReset": "0:10:00",
    "PasswordResetTokenExpiry": "02:00:00",   
        "Pattern": "^(?=.*[A-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[\\\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\[\\]])\\S{8,}$",
        "Message": "Passwords must contain at least one upper case character, at least one lower case character, at least one number, at least one symbol and must be at least 8 characters long."


Password complexity rules are regular expressions. You can specify multiple password complexity rules and all of them must succeed (match) in order for a password to be valid.

Pattern (String) Regular expression which passwords must match in order to be valid.
Message (String) Error message when the pattern does not match the entered password.


Default available claim types. User profile properties always have a claim type, specified by Uri. If the site administrator configures a user profile property with a Uri value which match one of the entries below, the html input for that property will be configured with a type attribute set to the claim type's InputType. If the IsSiteDefault property is true, new sites will automatically have a user profile property added for the entry.

The Nucleus:ClaimTypeOptions element contains a "Types" element, which is an array of file system provider type elements.

DefaultName (String) Default label caption for the type.
Uri (String) Unique identifier for the claim type. Use a value from Claims.ClaimTypes or OASIS if a suitable claim type is present. If you can't find a standard claim Uri for the property you are adding, you can make up your own.
InputType (String) If specified, the value specified will be used for the input element type when an input control is rendered.
IsSiteDefault (Boolean) If set to true, new sites will automatically have a user profile property added for the claim. Default is false.
        "DefaultName": "First Name",
        "Uri": ""
        "DefaultName": "Mobile Phone",
        "Uri": "",
        "InputType": "tel",
        "IsSiteDefault": true


Specifies cache capacity and expiry for the named cache. Once the cache capacity threshold is reached, new cache entries will displace the oldest cache entry. Cache entries are automatically removed once they are older than ExpiryTime. ExpiryTime is expressed as a time span (hh:mm:ss).

Nucleus core cache keys are PageCache, PageRouteCache, PageMenuCache, MailTemplateCache, PageModuleCache, RoleCache, RoleGroupCache, ScheduledTaskCache, SiteCache, SiteDetectCache, UserCache, FolderCache, ListCache, ContentCache, SessionCache. Extensions may cache values, refer to each extension's documentation for the cache key name. If configuration values are omitted, the default capacity is 1000, and expiry time is 5 minutes. You can view a list of caches and their configured values in the System control panel / cache tab.

Capacity (Integer) Number of entities to cache in memory.
ExpiryTime (Timespan) Expiry time for cache entries.
  "CacheOptions": {
    "PageCache": {
      "Capacity": 500,
      "ExpiryTime": "00:15:00"
    "PageModuleCache": {
      "Capacity": 2000,
      "ExpiryTime": "00:15:00"