Nucleus .Net Core CMS


Nucleus includes a console, debug, text file and Azure Web App Diagnostics logger. The debug logger write logs to an attached debugger.

The Text File logger writes text file logs, which are stored in the C:\ProgramData\Nucleus\Logs folder by default, in files named dd-MMM-yyyy.log.
Text file logs are automatically deleted after 7 days by default. If you are hosting in an Azure App Service, you must configure to the text file logger to write to %HOME%/LogFiles/Application or another writable folder by adding an entry to the Nucleus section of the appSettings.{environment}.json configuration file:

  "path": "%HOME%/LogFiles/Application"

Scheduled task logs are intercepted by the text file logger and are also written to the C:\ProgramData\Nucleus\Logs\Scheduled Tasks\{Task Name} folder.

You can manage log levels and categories in the Log Settings Editor, which is in the Logs tab in the System control panel.

Log Settings Editor

Logging settings are configured in appSettings.[environment].json. Refer to the Configure Logging section of the Microsoft ASP.NET core documentation for details.