Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Set up Nucleus in Docker

See also:

Docker is an open-source platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of applications inside lightweight, portable containers. Containers allow developers to package an application with all of its dependencies and configurations into a single, consistent unit that can run anywhere, whether on a developer's local machine, on-premises servers, or in the cloud.

Running Nucleus in a Docker container is useful for testing, evaluation or even in some production scenarios. Kubernetes is an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications and is often used in production environments.

How to create a Docker container for Nucleus

  1. Download the Nucleus install set for Linux.
  2. Download the Linux installer shell script.
  3. Copy both files to a folder, and create a file named dockerfile in the same folder.
FROM ubuntu:24.10

ADD /home/ubuntu
ADD /home/ubuntu


# install Nucleus
WORKDIR /home/ubuntu
RUN bash --auto-install true

# open ports

# run nucleus
WORKDIR /home/nucleus/app
CMD ["dotnet", "bin/Nucleus.Web.dll"]

Create the Docker image

docker build -f dockerfile -t nucleus: .

The dot at the end of the command is required.

The Linux installer script for Nucleus has some steps which configure the service manager using systemctl, and the Ubuntu docker image does not contain systemctl. In Docker, Nucleus is started by the CMD instruction in your docker file, so the service manager steps are not required, and you can ignore the error messages.

Create a Container

docker run --publish 8090:5000 --restart=unless-stopped --name nucleus2.0 nucleus:

You can change the port used to access Nucleus (8090) in the command above. Once you have created your Docker container, you can delete the installation zip file, installer script and dockerfile if you want to.

Run the Container

The docker run command above will automatically start the container. If it is stopped, you can start it again with this command: docker container start nucleus2.0

You can also use Docker Desktop to run and stop the container.

Run Nucleus

Browse to http://localhost:8090. The first time you browse to Nucleus, it will run the Setup Wizard.

Click here to return to the Installing Nucleus page.