Nucleus .Net Core CMS

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Getting Started/Installation

Not related to the original Nucleus CMS?


I am a long-time user of the "original" Nucleus CMS, no longer in development, although I continue to update it on my own to keep it running as versions of PHP create inevitable incompatibilities.

It seems this effort is unrelated?  Certainly it is Microsoft centric, and unfortunately doesn't seem viable on a shared hosting Linux server.

Best of luck to the devs and users of this new and much more modern system!


anthony.glenwright replied on1/17/2023 3:22 AM

Thanks for your post.

You are right, "this Nucleus" isn't related to the PHP-based forums software.  But it does run on Linux (in addition to Windows and Azure App Service), we tested it with Ubuntu Server 2022.04 on a Raspberry Pi 3 in December.

Linux setup guide:

Raspberry Pi Setup Notes: