Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Site map module

The site map module displays a list of pages within your site. It can be used as a full site map for users, as a side-menu, or to display a list of pages in on a landing page.



Levels Specifies how many levels of descendant pages to display. Set to 0 to show all levels.
Root Page Type Specifies how to determine the top level page (see below).
Selected Page If the root page type is set to Selected Page, specifies the selected page.
Show Description Specifies whether to display the page description.

Root Page Types

Site Root Start from the root of the site (pages with no parent set).
Selected Page Display pages starting from the selected page.
Home Page Display pages starting from the site's home page.
Current Page Display pages starting with the children of the current page.
Parent Page Display pages starting with the current page's parent.
Top Ancestor Display pages starting with the top ancestor of the current page (the ancestor with no parent page set) .
Dual If the current page has a parent, use the same behaviour as Current Page. If the current page does not have a parent, use the same behavior as Top Ancestor.

If you are using the site map module to render a full site map, set Levels to 0, and Root Page type to Site Root.

If you are using the site map module to render a landing page, set Levels to 1, Root Page type to Current Page and Show Description to on.