Nucleus .Net Core CMS

IFrame module

The IFrame module embeds another HTML page in your site.


Url The Url of the content to embed. If your site uses https then the Url must also be a https url, as most browsers will not serve mixed content.
Title Title of the IFrame. The Title should describe the embedded content. People navigating with assistive technology such as a screen reader can use the title to identify the content.
Name You can specify a name for the IFrame, which can be used in the target attribute of some HTML elements and by Javascript.
Width You can specify the width of the IFrame using any expression which can be interpreted as a width by a browser. If you don't specify a width, then width: 100% is used.
Height You can specify the height of the IFrame using any expression which can be interpreted as a height by a browser. If you don't specify a height, no height is specified in the output, but a flex:1 style is added so that the IFrame can grow if your layout and container supports it (see below).
Scrolling Specifies if a scroll bar is displayed for your content. You can specify Automatic, Yes or No.
Border Specifies whether a border is drawn around the IFrame.

The IFrame module renders a style (CSS) attribute for the height, width and border settings.

The w3c standard specifies that if an IFrame height is not specified, the default height is 150px. If your layout and container specifies CSS display:flex, on all of the ancestor elements of the IFrame and uses flex:1 or some other method to set their heights, the IFrame can grow to fit the height of its parent, because we render a flex:1 CSS style when the height setting is not set.

Many web sites set their 'X-Frame-Options' HTTP header to 'sameorigin'. This means that their content can not be used in an IFrame from another web site.