Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Text/HTML module

The Text/HTML module displays HTML or text content.

The editor is similar to other rich text editors. You can set formatting, bold/italic, insert links to other web sites, page links and image links, and add lists. If you need to edit Html content directly, click the <> button.

Text/Html Editor


Edit Source Open the current content in a popup window where you can edit the HTML source.
Undo Undo the most recent operation.
Redo Redo the most recent "undo".
Format Turn the current selection into a heading, preformatted text, code block or marked text.
Table Insert a table, or change the settings of an existing table.
Bold Apply bold formatting to the current selection.
Italic Apply italic formatting to the current selection.
Strikethrough Apply stikethrough formatting to the current selection.
Insert Link Insert a link to an Url, or change the settings of an existing link.
Insert Page Link Insert a link to another page in your site. A popup dialog is displayed so that you can select a page.
Remove Link Remove the selected link
Insert Image Insert an image from your site. A popup dialog is displayed so that you can select one of your site images.
Align Left Align the current selection to the left.
Center Center the current selection.
Align Right Align the current selection to the right.
Justify Stretch the current selection so that each line has equal width.
Bullet List Insert a new bullet list, or convert the selection to a list.
Numbered List Insert a numbered list, or convert the selection to a list.
Horizontal Line Insert a horizontal line.
Clear Formatting Remove all formatting from the selection.