Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Nucleus core caches most data entities in memory in order to improve performance. Modules and extensions can use the Nucleus Cache Manager to cache their own data. Caching is provided by the CacheManager and CacheCollection classes.

Cache Extension

To implement caching, create a cache extension class. Each Nucleus cache collection specfies a key type and model type. The examples below are from the Links module.

using Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Cache;
using Nucleus.Abstractions.Managers;
using Nucleus.Modules.Links.Models;
using System;

namespace Nucleus.Modules.Links;

public static class CacheExtensions
  public static CacheCollection<Guid, Link> LinksCache(this ICacheManager cacheManager)
    return cacheManager.Get<Guid, Link>();

A CacheCollection object is automatically created by the CacheManager if one doesn't already exist when you call CacheManager.Get

Getting a Cache Manager instance

In your manager class (or anywhere else that you need it), add an ICacheManager parameter to your constructor so that dependency injection automatically provides an instance of the Cache Manager.

using Nucleus.Abstractions.Managers;

namespace Nucleus.Modules.Links;

public class LinksManager
  private IDataProviderFactory DataProviderFactory { get; }
  private ICacheManager CacheManager { get; }
  public LinksManager(IDataProviderFactory dataProviderFactory, ICacheManager cacheManager)
    this.CacheManager = cacheManager;
    this.DataProviderFactory = dataProviderFactory;

Using the Cache

Wrap your database access Get method implementation in a call to GetAsync in order to check for a cache item matching your key (id) before invoking the code to retrieve it from the database.

public async Task<Link> Get(Site site, Guid id)
  return await this.CacheManager.LinksCache().GetAsync(id, async id =>
    using (ILinksDataProvider provider = this.DataProviderFactory.CreateProvider<ILinksDataProvider>())
      Link result = await provider.Get(id);
      if (result != null)
        await GetLinkItem(site, result);

      return result;

The code to retrieve the item from the database is not executed unless the item specified by id is not present in the cache.

In the examples above, the cache item key is a Guid, but you can use other .Net types as cache item keys.

Removing an item from the Cache

If the cached entity is changed, you must remove it from the cache. In your Manager class .Save method (or any other method which updates data), add a call to your cache extension's Remove method, specifying the entity id.


If you need to clear the entire cache, you can call Clear.
